Sessanta's Tailgater S can be selected by the VIP/CEO/MC President in case they do not have one, and crew members can choose a custom Tailgater S if they do not have a suitable vehicle either. Only vehicles in the Tuner Race Class may be selected for use in all Contract Finales. There are three loadouts the player can choose: Similar to the Casino Heist and the Cayo Perico Heist finale, players are limited with a specific weapon loadout. Three at a time are randomly rotated on the Job Board and KDJ will regularly advise that the board has been updated. There are eight contracts, with six initially available and two more being subsequently released. Players can call Sessanta at any time to cancel the current active contract. Once a Contract is selected, Sessanta will provide a synopsis and two Free Mode Planning Work missions will need to be completed before the finale mission.
Players must be registered as a SecuroServ VIP, an Organization CEO or a MC President in any Free Mode lobby type in order to use the Job Board. After purchasing an Auto Shop and completing Setup: Impounded Car, there will be up to three contracts available at a time at the Job Board outside the office in the Auto Shop.